
Long ago, I won myself a record deal with Decca/Universal records. This EP was the result. I hate the original cover art, so that’s me arguing with a statue at the Getty.

This was a full length album I recorded with producer Giulio Carmassi of the Pat Metheny Group. I’m quite proud of it.

This was a full-length album written and recorded to coincide with the release of my first novel, We All Looked Up. It features songs “written” by the characters in the novel.

I made this stop-motion video for my original song “Whisper.” It was shortlisted for the YouTube Play competition, which resulted in my being invited to perform alongside OK Go at the Guggenheim Museum in NYC.

I used to make a lot of videos for YouTube. This is a song from my album “I Meant It To Be Sweet” about how I probably wouldn’t have liked Jesus. It’s messy but I like it.

This was the first of my videos to go “viral.” It’s embarrassing as hell, but so it goes. Back when YouTube had a single landing page, they put this on the front page, so it got some views. Forgive my bad French.


Yes. He makes Film & TV.


Yes. He Makes Musicals.